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Dog Scent Marking - Understanding Dog Behaviour

Apr 24, 2023
Dog Scent Marking

Dog Scent Marking - Understanding Dog Behaviour

Dog scent marking is a natural and instinctive behaviour and one that they do for a number of reasons. By understanding the different methods dogs use to scent mark, you can begin to understand more about their communication methods.

What is Dog Scent Marking and Why Do Dogs Do It?

Dog scent marking is the process of leaving a scent, usually urine, faeces, or pheromones, to communicate with other dogs. This behaviour is natural for dogs and serves several purposes, including:

Territory marking

Dogs mark their territory with scent to communicate to other animals that this area is claimed.


Dogs leave their scent leave important information such as their sex, health status, and reproductive status.

Pack identity

Scent marking also helps dogs identify members of their pack and other dogs in their territory.

Different Methods of Dog Scent Marking

Dogs have several ways of scent marking, including urinating, defecating, and using the glands in their paw pads.


When a dog urinates, they release pheromones that contain important information about their sex, age, and health status. The pheromones in a dog's urine can also leave information about the dog's mood, dominance status, and readiness to mate. By urinating in specific locations, dogs can communicate this information to other dogs in the area.


Dogs can also use their faeces to scent mark, but this method is less common than urinating. When a dog defecates, they release pheromones that can convey information about their sex, age, and health status. However, dogs are more likely to use urination as a method of scent marking because it is easier and quicker than defecating.

Glands in Paws

Dogs also have scent glands in their paw pads that they use to leave scent when scratching the ground or rubbing against objects. These glands produce a unique scent that can leave information about the dog's sex, age, and health status. Dogs may use this method of scent marking to leave a message for other dogs in their territory.


Dog scent marking is a natural and important behaviour for dogs that serves multiple purposes, including communication, pack identity, and territory marking.

If you have concerns about your dog's scent marking behaviour, consult with a professional Dog Trainer or Behaviourist to address any underlying issues.